Badini (Urdu: بدینی ) is a Baloch tribe in Balochistan region of Iran Afghanistan Turkmenistan and Pakistan. Badini tribe is settled in Nushki andSindh.and other part of Rakshani badini setled in iran Afghanistan turkmenistan.There are several clans of Badani tribe:
Bolanzai is the Major branch of Badini Tribe.It is also known as "SARDAR KHEAL" in Balochi language Because Sardars For Badini tribe are Elected from that particular branch of Badini.This Branch is also having the largest Heir in Badini Tribe.It has covered third most largest part of noushki.Now Sardar of Badini Tribe is "MIR AURANGZAIB BADINI" Who also belongs to that paricular Branch.
Badeni is one of the biggest tribes in Noshki and sorroundins, This is a nice blog about Badeni Tribe. I am Proud to be a Badeni.
I would like to inform you that the "Badeni" are not Baluch but are a very large Kurdish tribe. The two major Kurdish tribes " Badeni Tribe" and "Surani Tribe" are living in present day Kurdistan, North Iraq and most area of Turkish Kurdistan. The leader of Iraqi Kurdistan " Massoud Barzani" is of the Badeni tribe and the Current Presiodent of Iraq " Jalal Talabani" is of the Suran Tribe. Badeni tribe is the largest tibe of the two and both tribes also live in Kurdistan of Iran and Kurdistan of Syria. I know and have many Kurdish friends from both tribes.
It is possible that the Badein Tribe immigrated through Iran Baluchistan into Baluchistan Pakistan during their persecution by the governments of Iraqi, Iran, Turkey and Syria . Kurds are a very ancient people and have always played a major roll both on the political scene and as well as,
the religious. The Great King Darious was from Kurdistan, and he ruled the Persian Empire until his defeat by Alexander The Great arround 300 BC. On the religious stage it is said that The Great Prophet Ibrahim AS. is believed to have been a Kurd from Hur in Iraq , also the great Salahudin Ayubi and the great Shiekh Ibn Taimiya arround the 14th century.
I believe that after your research in to this topic will reveal and prove to you that the Badeni are not Baluch but are a Kurdish Tribe.
I am a Pashtu speaking belonging to the Barakzai tribe of Pakistan and Afghnistan and I am a devout student of history.
Dear Pashtun brother, you are wrong in your analysis because that is not the same tribe as Badini Baloch, they are Behdini or known as Kurmanji, Badini tribe is descended from Sardar Badin Rakhshani Baloch, his brother is Jamaldin Baloch and from his descendants are Jamaldini Rakhshani Baloch. They sound similar but are not the same, I hope this answers your question wrora.
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