History of the Baloch people
The Baloch people are an Iranian ethnic group that are mainly settled in the Balochistan areas of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Different researchers have analysed the name Baloch (Balochi : بلوچ ) or Baluch in different ways. Some says it means "Plume of Cock", based on references from Shahnama by Firdausi in which he stated that the Balochies, who fought in Ventures of Kai Khosrow, had worn cloaks with linings and a plumed turban. Others say that it means "mobile". A third group says it is a modified form of "Baloot", a Persian word which means "Desert Resider". An English researcher says that Baloch is a modified form of "Barlooch", which means "Plunderer" or "Desert Fighter".
The word Balochistan is a combination of "Baloch" (a tribe) and "Stan" (living place), so Balochistan means Homeland of Balochis. All Baloch tribes migrated from Sistan to Makran then to Balochistan (also known by East Balochistan) then on the basis of different reasons they migrated, and spread throughout the Sub-continent. Balochistan is the region of the Iranian Plateau and South Asia where Baloch live.
Baloch Ancestry
There are different viewpoints about the origins of the Balochs, including Arabs, Turks, Iranis, and Italians who migrated to Balochistan with Alexander The Great and did not return back.
L. M. Dames says that Balochs are ancestral Irani, who migrated from the southern coastline of the Caspian Sea. L. W. Oshanen, a well-known anthropologist of the Soviet Union, has supported Dames' theory. The northern and southern Baloch, however, consider themselves of Arab descent, and Aleppo their first homeland. There is no doubt that Baloch tribes, particularly Bugti, and Rind, joined the Balochis during wars in Baloch regions, so there were many Arabs in that area at the time. To this viewpoint that Balochis are Arabs, Rai Bahadur Hetoraam also agrees and identifies them as descendants of Hazrat Ameer Hamza, uncle of Hazrat Muhammad.
Now have an overview on those anecdote that are based upon Balochi Ancient poetry, reasoning that the Balochis are Qureshi Arabs ( Generation of Hazrat Ibrahim). All Balochis are well-renowned due to hospitality like Arabs, no doubt whom ancestor is Hazrat Ibrahim. On the other hand Balochi curls are Imitation of Spiritual Hierarchical . Prayers of al-Aqsa Mosque never shaved there poll hair. Baloch also follow thePractice of Hazrat Abraham to judge the Truth and Falsehood by moving the suspicious person on the live coal (Baloch use Specially wood of "Kaheer" (because its coal does not turns into ash within about 24 hours) .
Briefly describing, first of all a channel (about 10 ft (3.0 m) in length, 4 ft (1.2 m) in width and 3 ft (0.91 m) depth) is dug and wood of Kaheer (commonly) is burnt to prepare coal during this time a reciter recites some verses of the Qur'an, after that the suspicious person is asked to walk on the blazing coal in the presence of Above All (Muqadams, white beard men). If he is true then coal never burns his feet, a blameless Baloch has faith in this fact to that day. It is known by "Patt" in Balochi .
Ancient Baloch History
According to the Balochi narration, they are Quraishi Arabs, generation of Hazrat Ameer Hamza. When Yazeed, 2nd Caliph of Umvi Caliphate,Ejected Hazrat Imam Hussain, at that time Balochs living in Aleppo, a region in Syria, were confederates of Imam Hussain (A.S) against Yazeed . Yazeed Oppressed Balochis ( Then known by Balushi or Bailoos ) so they left Aleppo
شکر الحمد گزاران ملک تھيں
.يگ وت کھوشتی مہ ملکا ، اے جھان خان گل ايں
ما مريدوں يا علی ، اے دين ايمان پشتيں
حمزہ اولاد بلوچی ، ہوب درگاہ گر دين
ا ز حلبا پھاز کھايوں ، گوں يزيداں جھيڑويں
کل بلا بھمپور نياما ، شہر سيستان مريض
( Domki Epics )
In history " Koosh and Baloosh " have been described together and the same way, wrote the Arabic writers that they are same . Firdausi also narrates their same culture, and same Commander in the following epics of Shahnama:
سپاہی زگردان کوچ و بلوچ
سگاليدہ جنگيدہ مانند غوچ
کے در جہان ديد ايشان نہ ديد
نہ آہن يک انگشت نامد پديد
سپہدار شان اشکش تيز ہش
کہ باراۓ دل بود دبا مغز ہوش
در فش بياوردہ پيکر پلنگ
ہمی از در فشش بيا رند چنگ
( By: Firdausi )
It is obvious from above epics that Baluch and Kooch(Kurds), used to fight in the same way, under same commander and under the same Flag, showing a Leopard image (Commonly sign of avenge), according to Baluchi proverb " if stone can liquefy then Baluchi is not Avenger " because avenging is their instinct .
According to Arabic writers:
- Kuchies and Baluchies are same by ancestry.
- They speak their Languages, different from Persian.
- During the age of Arabic Conquerors , Kushies and Balushies lived together and belonged to same Genealogy however, they spoke different languages .
Similarly Historians claim, Language can not be the identifier of Genealogy .
In about 680, they migrated towards Kerman in Iran and stayed there for a while with peace.
It is found from the ancient Baluchi epics that there were 44 branches of Baluchies at that time . Based upon the ancient Baluchi poetry, they migrated from Karman when Emperor of Karman pressurised them to give him 44 girls from each tribe.
So, the Baluchies sent 44 boys in girls' dress and before the secret opened, they decamped towards Kech and Makran in South-East, and camped near Arabian Sea. After dwelling for a short while, they inhabited the area now called Baluchistan (Eastern Baluchistan). The Emperorcame back the boys and chased the Baluchies towards Kech and Makran, where he was retreated by Baluchies.
Baluchi epics relating to Baluch Ancestry,are of about 11th or 12th century that is the time of immigration from Sistan to Makran. In these epics 44 elementary branches (In some Baluchi epics 26) of Baluchies have been adverted. Some of those retained their Tribal names such as:
Magsi, Gorgage, Kalmati, Nutkani, Malghani, Gashkori, Korai, Rakhshani, Kulachi, Rind, Dareshak, Gabol, Khushk, Buledi, Domki, Lashari,Khosa, Jatoi, Gopang, Kurd, Dashti, Jiskani, Mirali and Chandio.
These Baloch tribes adopted their names either from an "Abode" from where they immigrated or characterised by neighbourhood as adenotation .
For example, Magsi after Magas, a valley in Makran, Dashti after Dasht a region in Makran, Khushk and Buledi after Khushak Buleda, a valley in Iran, Domki after Domak, a river in Iran where they used to live. Gashkori after Gash river in Iran which irrigates Khushak Bulaida Valley. While Doodai after (Doda Khan), Jatoi (Jatto, daughter of Mir Jalal Khan), Mirali (Mir Khan), Ahmadani (Ahmad Khan), Sherhanzaee (Zinadini),Hasni (Hassan Khan), Umrani (Umer Khan).
Similarly, Mazari is a Balochi word meaning Lion, Leghari (Balochi) Dungy or Nasty, Khosa(Balouchi) "The warrior", Hoot (Balouchi) Brave,Gabol (Persian) Aggressor or Combatant , Bozdar (Persian ) Goat Keepers , also claimed to be derived from " Bordar " which means "HorseBestrider" Dareshak (Persian) Brawn.Nizamani are also baloch, who are given name nizamani because of the name of an elder Sakhi Nizam.who was not only a great saint but also a mystic sufi poet of his time. His grave is in Dera Ghazi Khan in Southern Province of Punjab Pakistan.
Similarly Malghani and Lund are also baloch which is a tribe of rind.They came with Mir Chakar Khan and sattled at Dera Ghazi Khan,Sindh and Balochistan
Zirkani Baloch are also very vast tribe of Baloch. They belong to ZARK Khan Baloch.The Famous Baloch Sardar
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